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Chris Snyder has been a family researcher for 39 years, with concentration full time for the past 17 years.  She has her B.A. in American Studies and master level studies in Film History. 


She has completed projects for numerous individuals who were asking the age-old questions:  where did my relative live, who were his parents, where did they move to, how many siblings did they have, was he in the military, what was his occupation?


Whether it be a general search to document a family's whereabouts, or a specific hunt for one person missing-in-the-family-history, Chris has uncovered some startling facts (including an uncle who drove a stagecoach and was tomahawked!). 


She has put together scores of family history reports which include documents, photographs, and write-ups. 


At the forefront of any search should be remembered:  "Some day I will be someone's ancestor!"

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